Ck2 how to reform pagan
Ck2 how to reform pagan

ck2 how to reform pagan

A Kingdom is the title tier below empire and above duchy, and the most common rank for independent realms.It is generally held by a King ranked character emperors also usually hold the kingdom title which their capital belongs to de jure.The portrait of kings (or equivalent) has a golden border.

ck2 how to reform pagan

Pagan religions may gain a religious head and a Great Holy War (Crusade CB) if they reform. 12:23am Best reformation options for Germanic religion? Thread starter Vorglich Start date Menu Crusader Kings III Available Now! Religion also affects what powers the religious head has unreformed Pagans for example have no religious head, while a Christian religious head can excommunicate characters, which is impossible for Muslims (except Yazidis) and unreformed Pagans. The mod aims to address major events such as the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the "Discovery" of the New … A person can only have one educational trait (traits 1 - 20), and gets this upon their coming of age (age 16). I abused the fuck out of the "-25% war cost vs other religions" Age of Reformation thing, since everybody was a different religion.

Ck2 how to reform pagan